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银川软件开发 Which city tops inbound tourist spending? Shenzhen leads China in transaction volume

时间:2024-09-22 16:38:40 点击:95 次

On September 5th, at the 2024 Inclusion Conference on the Bund in Shanghai, it was revealed that since March this year, Ant Group's services, "international card linking" and "global digital wallet use in China," have driven a sixfold year-on-year increase in inbound tourist spending. The number of active users tripled, and the number of active merchants doubled. Thanks to the popularity of "Hong Kong residents traveling north" and the integration of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, Shenzhen ranked first in China for the number of transactions made by inbound tourists, while Guangzhou saw a ninefold increase in inbound tourist spending. Favorable policies such as visa exemptions have also fueled the global "China Travel," attracting more international visitors to the country.

Alipay now supports seven major international card brands through its "International Card Linking" service, including Mastercard, Visa, JCB, DinersClub, Discover, UnionPay International, and the soon-to-be-added American Express, covering all mainstream global cards. Through Alipay+ cross-border services, tourists from 10 countries and regions, including Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, the Republic of Korea, Mongolia, Pakistan, Kazakhstan, the Philippines, Hong Kong SAR, and Macao SAR, can use 13 different foreign digital payment tools without downloading a new app.

On September 5th, Ant Group released for the first time the top consumer hotspots for inbound tourists using mobile payments over the past six months. From over 500 popular shopping districts in over 70 cities across the country, foreign visitors ranked the "2024 Top 10 International Consumer Friendly Zones" and landmarks based on spending activity. These include Sanlitun District, Beijing's SOLANA Blue Harbor; Yuyuan Cultural District, Shanghai's Yuyuan Garden; Jiefangbei Central Business District (CBD), Chongqing's Guotai Arts Center; Tianhe CBD, Guangzhou's PO PARK; Chunxi Road CBD, Chengdu's Parkson; Nanjing Road CBD, Shanghai's First Foodholl; Youth Avenue CBD, Shenyang's K11; Futian CBD, Shenzhen's Link City, as well as scenic spots like Huangshan and West Lake.

So, which countries' tourists are most enthusiastic about using mobile payments in China? Data shows that tourists from Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, France, and Mongolia lead in terms of the number of transactions made using Alipay or their own local mobile wallets.

Over the past six months, the number of transactions made by users of Alipay+ global wallets while redeeming discounts in China increased by 105% quarter-over-quarter, with over 1.6 million cross-border consumers benefiting from promotional offers. The introduction of digital coupons has further boosted cross-border spending.

Source :Lingnan on the Cloud


记者9月5日从外滩大会上获悉,本年3月以来,通过蚂集合团“外卡内绑”和“外包内用”两项作事,带动入境旅客浮滥额同比增长6倍,活跃用户数增长3倍,活跃商户数增长2倍。受益于“港东谈主北上”浮滥热和大湾区一体化,深圳入境旅客浮滥笔数名次宇宙第一,而广州入境旅客浮滥额增长9倍。陪同免签等一系列计营利好,群众兴起“China Travel热”,招引越来越多的外籍东谈主士来华旅行。



9月5日,蚂集合团初度公布半年来入境旅客用挪动支付的浮滥热门商圈,从宇宙70多个城市零散500个热门商圈里,境外来宾凭据浮滥热度评比出“2024十大入境浮滥友好型商圈”及地标,包括:三里屯商圈|北京SOLANA蓝色港湾、大豫园文化片区|上海大豫园、摆脱碑商圈|重庆国泰广场、河汉商圈|广州PO PARK东方宝泰、春熙路商圈|成王人时间百盛、南京路商圈|上海第一食物、后生大街商圈|沈阳K11、福田商圈|深圳领展中心城,以及黄山景区和西湖景区。



文|记者 沈钊





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